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Dr. Christina Rahm is a mother, wife, artist, international scientific leader, spokesperson, formulator, inventor and patent writer. She holds a Master’s in Science, as well as, multiple doctorate degrees and post-graduate degrees in various areas of science and humanities.
Dr. Christina Rahm stands out amongst her peers. Her postgraduate work includes nanotechnology, bioscience, engineering and nutritional wellness. She has researched and lectured globally at the most respected medical institutes, in addition to extensive work as a consultant with nation-states. Her accomplishments as a medical, clinical, and research scientist speak for themselves. Today her focus is on the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, biotechnology, and environmental sciences industries. As a humanitarian her focus is the empowerment of people worldwide. She believes innovation in math and sciences can only be fully achieved if both the creative side and the arts are collaborative.
Dr. Christina Rahm
Rootbrands CEO
Erika West
"Shëndeti nuk është gjithçka, por pa shëndet, gjithçka është asgjë."